Electronic Cigarettes Help Smokers To Quit

Alternatives for Cutting Down Smoking

Cigarettes are proven to be carcinogenic and smokers know the health risks they are facing. People who smoke have a far greater chance of dying of smoking related cancer. Governments all over the world are influenced by our all powerful tobacco industry.

The Government, Politicians and Future Legislation

If all the UK’s smokers quit cigarettes, the government will lose over £12 billion in annual tobacco duty. Alcohol is harmful for its users and also raises billions annually in tax duty. There is increasing anti e-cigarette feeling growing online.

Each year, 200 people die in work related accidents, leading the government to introduce health and safety legislation to protect them, however, at the same time they allow 100,000 people to die each year from smoking related illnesses because the exchequer needs the tobacco duty.

If all smokers quit tomorrow, the government would need to find £12.1 billion a year from somewhere else. The only conclusion you can draw is that the government will protect you unless it is more profitable not to.

E-Cigarettes and Possible Regulation

As smoking habits change and more smokers switch from tobacco to electronic vaporizers, it will be necessary to regulate and then tax nicotine e-liquid in order to protect revenues. It is likely that regulation will mean the demise of smaller manufacturers making and selling e-cigarettes.

Protecting the public is secondary to protecting the nations finances it seems. It is probable that health concerns will be used to regulate e-cigarettes which will allow the government to tax them and recover lost tobacco tax revenues.

Opponents to E-Cigarettes

Increased e-cigarette usage will mainly affect both the tobacco and the smoking cessation markets. Nicotine replacement products like patches and gum don’t replace the satisfying inhalation hit that a vaporizer will give you.

The tobacco industry can’t really argue against e-cigarettes on health grounds because their product is proven to kill people. The campaign against electronic cigarettes is believed to be being driven by sections of the smoking cessation industry, maybe even being quietly supported by some tobacco companies.

Potential Government Legislation

The introduction of tax on electronic cigarettes and e-liquid will offset some of the duty lost by smokers making the switch, but it is unlikely that e-liquid would be taxed to the same onerous levels as tobacco. Applying duty to e-liquid isn’t going to be easy because it is quite easy to make your own from readily available ingredients.

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It is likely that official suppliers will warn of the dangers of unauthorized supplies, in much the same way as we were warned about counterfeit cigarettes. Lots of smokers are more than happy to try smoking a cheaper cigarette if it tastes OK. In the coming months we will find out what the extent of future regulation for e-cigarettes will look like. The important thing for the government is to find a way to effective tax e-liquid.

If electronic devices can’t be taxed successfully then regardless of the fact that they are a less harmful alternative to smoking, they will ultimately be banned. Electronic cigarette devices are bound to be regulated in the next few years as this will enable the government to tax the e-liquid and replace their lost tobacco duty revenues.

As more people start using e-cigarettes the government will lose more and more tobacco duty, necessitating the need for duty on e-liquid to compensate the treasury.

It seems certain that in due course electronic smoking devices will be so popular that the government will feel obliged to regulate them and then tax their use.