Google SEO Tutorial

Google Panda & Penguin SEO Tutorial

In order to fix your rankings, first you need to be sure which of Google’s two significant recent updates has caused the problem. Penguin is the cause if you can see a significant drop in search traffic on the 24th April 2012.

The primary keywords that you have promoted the most in your back-link anchor text are the ones most penalized by Google. is a free tool that allows you to see your current back-links and the keyword anchor text being used.

Back-Link Structure

Before the Penguin algorithm, it was OK to have a link text density of up to 70 percent. This is now dramatically reduced, hence your penalty, you need to decrease the link anchor texts to 5% maximum. The bulk of your link anchor text need to be made up of Brand, URL or ‘junk’ link text rather than target keywords.

Brand links are variations of either your registered company name or website name. URL links must be different variations of your web address.

Rather than concentrating on building as many links as you can, it is now more important than ever to get links from various Class C IP addresses. Links on content related sites will help your Google rankings even more than unrelated sites.

Trust score is a vital ranking factor so pick sites that are themselves linked to from ‘good neighbourhoods’. Google loves to see that your back-link pages have back-links themselves.

Google and Linking Networks

Automated link networks might seem like a good option at the time but the usually only produce low grade spam back-links and eventually Google will find the network, devalue it and penalize the websites it finds within it.

Google Panda Requirements

The absolute maximum on-page keyword density you ought to target to keep Google’s Panda algorithm happy is 2 to 3%. A link from your content to an authority .gov or .edu site will help your search engine rankings.

Your Content

You should have quality, unique content on all of your pages. Text links from inside your content using text keywords is good SEO practice and should be implemented as per the guidelines at You can link either to other pages within your own site or link externally to trusted ‘authority’ resources.

How to Use Media

A relevant video will help to boost the time spent on your page, and photo’s should be used to separate large blocks of text. Each image on your page should contain suitable, unique alt text which needs to be different for every image on the page.

Spell checking is very important and you should get in the habit of double-checking whatever you write so that it is all the highest possible quality. You should always write as much or little as you need to to get your message across. That being said, our evidence is that above 500 words, your site content will benefit from the additional text in search.

Make your content as interesting as possible. You’ll need your website visitors to find your content useful and to spend time absorbing it. If real people like your content then you will rise in the rankings. Latent semantic indexing (LSI) is the process of word association that Google uses to relate similar meaning words together.

This process means that you ought to use different words in your content and Google will still understand the topic and meaning.

Using Metadata Tags

Unique meta data tags should be on every page of your website. You will be penalized in SERP’s and fail to climb online if more than one page has the same metadata. The meta description tag is normally used in SERP’s below your page heading. For this reason you should write it to obtain a better click through, not for keyword spamming.

Bounce Rate

Slow loading websites won’t rank very well. Use YSlow in Firefox to assess the load speed of your site content. Keep your bounce rate below 55% for the best Google rankings. If too many of your website visitors hit the back button as soon as they arrive on your page then it indicates that your content isn’t ideal for the search traffic that Google is sending you.

Visitor Page Views

Increasing the number of pages that your visitors look at is a good way of increasing the quality score for your website content. Getting your website visitors to click through to a second or third page on your site is good for your search engine rankings. Keeping your visitors on your site for as long as you can will assist your search engine rankings. Longer site visits indicate top quality, relevant content. See for websites that work.

Get SEO Training

If you want to be able to carry out your own SEO for your website, and don’t have the budget for professional SEO services such as,  good SEO courses will teach you everything you need to know instead. There is a big difference between courses that teach you the principles and ones that actually show you how to get to the top of SERPs.

Not all training is the same. Choose a top ranking SEO training course and you will know that their information will work for you.